Common Energy Drink Side Effects

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Before you purchase any energy drink, factors to consider to learn the product's ingredients. If you are not careful, you might just end up buying an energy drink that doesn't work for you. Luckily, there are some things you can do to avoid these unwanted effects. Here are five of these:

Caffeine - Most energy drinks contain huge amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, this means it dehydrates the body. If the kidneys aren't functioning properly, it is possible to have problems with kidney stones, which are caused once the water content in urine is low enough. High amounts of dehydration can increase blood pressure, cause heart conditions, and also result in death if it's taken too long.

Heart conditions - Some people suffer from angina pectoris, an agonizing condition brought on by excessive heartbeats. These people should stay away from energy drinks, especially energy drinks that contain caffeine. Because caffeine itself is a diuretic, it dehydrates your body. This can result in edema (water in the joints), heart attacks, or kidney stones. Furthermore, it's been shown that diuretics tend to be associated with high blood pressure, so diuretics should be avoided whenever possible.

Depression - Energy drinks are also filled with anti-depressant caffeine. Some brands include Aspirin, that is regarded as effective for treating depression. However, Aspirin might have some serious side effects, including complications from surgery, and increased bleeding in those with hemorrhagic stroke. Some studies show that energy drinks are associated with an increased threat of heart attacks, so even though you have a healthy heart, you should stay away from them. They can actually worsen a heart condition, rather than treating it.

Muscle cramps - There were studies about the effect energy drinks can have on the body, particularly with regards to fatigue. While caffeine is known to keep your body running at a higher rate, energy drinks could cause your system to feel exhausted quickly. Also, while caffeine may temporarily make one feel more alert, energy drinks are filled with simple sugars, which can have the opposite influence on the body. So avoid energy drinks in order to stay healthy and alert!

Headaches - A standard complaint with energy drink users is headaches. Although caffeine isn't the only ingredient to be blamed for this, the combination of it and alcohol can certainly result in a headache. The headache is caused by the increased blood pressure. Caffeine and alcohol are well-known causes of migraines.

Stomach cramps - A very annoying side effect of energy drinks is cramping up your stomach. This happens due to large amount of caffeine that is typically within these drinks. However, gleam chemical called guarana within energy drinks that may also result in stomach cramps. It is important to drink at least eight glasses of water after drinking energy drinks, to be able to help alleviate the stomach cramps. It's worth noting that although guarana is really a natural ingredient, you need to still contact your doctor if you are sensitive to it.

Heart palpitations - Some people experience palpitations when they drink energy drink. For the reason that the caffeine content inside them causes stimulation of the heart. If you experience this side effect often, then you should be careful about increasing your intake of these. Also, don't drink energy drink regularly, as the caffeine can become addictive. If you follow these pointers, you can decrease the effects of energy drink and steer clear of experiencing any unpleasant side effects.

Skin rashes - Energy drinks are also recognized to cause skin rashes. That is mainly because caffeine is really a diuretic, which means it'll dehydrate your body. Dehydration can result in flushing your body with sweat, that may then show on your own face. It's always far better consume your energy drinks after washing the hands, in order to prevent the skin irritation from occurring. Again, it is critical to contact your doctor before consuming energy drinks in order to make sure that you don't experience this unpleasant side-effect.

Abdominal pain - That is one of the most common energy drink unwanted effects. The reason for this is actually the high amount of caffeine that is present in energy beverages. However, energy drink side effects are also linked to the acidity that is within other carbonated drinks. Invest the these drinks, you need to be sure to contact your physician in order to find out how your stomach feels. You could have to undergo a distressing detox in order to get gone the caffeine poisoning, or you might simply be experiencing indigestion due to your system not used to such a advanced of acidity.

Heartburn - When you combine the high level of caffeine and acid, you'll end up experiencing heartburn. However, this is actually a standard occurrence with all carbonated beverages. You'll just have to be cautious when taking energy drink unwanted effects like heartburn. Always check together with your doctor before consuming energy drink products to make sure that they don't exacerbate your symptoms. This is especially important for anyone who is taking certain medications, as some medications will counteract what of certain carbonated beverages. For example, you may want to contact your doctor if you are taking medication for high blood pressure.